Map prediction birth

Birth prediction is the best way

to eliminate complications both

for mother and a child.

(Petr Samchuk)

Just like any other country, only 30 to 40% of all the deliveries in Russia are „natural”. Official statistics says, that in 2012 61, 8% of all births in Russia wwew complicated with only 38, 2% of normal deliveries. As you can see, in most cases deliveries result into complications both for a mother and a child.

These rates have a direct connection to the pregnant women health state (as well as the healthiness of a fetus). It’s also seriously impacted by the care quality and medical staff proficiency.

Modern perinatal obstetry requires, that mother’s and baby’s health state is not affected during the delivery.

This goal can be reached provided the following is in place:

Mother and fetus state monitoring;

Medical staff (obstetrician-gynecologist) high proficiency;

Medical institution high capacity in terms of delivery and afterbirth management for a mother and a child.

The birth prediction is one the most important facts, having impact on the delivery success (should it be a natural birth or an operative delivery: Caeserian section, delivery with the obstetrical forceps or vacuum extractor application). Complications risk levels for mother and child are to be defined, which means a decision on the delivery methods and timing is to be made in advance. Medical institution level to be defined as well.

Only a highly proficient and experienced obstetrician-gynecologist has an ability to help with the developing of such a prediction.

A doctor is to define the risk level (low, medium or

high). Background, ultrasonic examination, Doppler examination, cardiotocography and physical examination results are to be considered. Depending on the risk level defined a birth prediction is elaborated. We turn this prediction into a documented conclusion called Birth Prediction Chart. Please click the link to see a Birth Prediction Chart pattern. Please note, that any prediction needs to be reviewed individually; background, physical, laboratory and instrumental examinations are to be considered.